How To Archive A Website: Everything You Need To know

Have you ever stumbled upon an interesting website with valuable information, only to find out that the website is no longer accessible? This can be frustrating, especially if the website contained critical information that you needed. This is where archiving comes in handy. Archiving a website involves creating an exact copy of the website and saving it for future reference. This can be done using various tools, and in this article, we will discuss how you can archive a website.

Here are your options:

  1. Use a Website Archiving Tool

    One of the easiest ways to archive a website is to use a website archiving tool. There are various tools available online that allow you to archive a website for free or for a fee. One such tool is To use this tool, simply enter the URL of the website you want to archive and select the date you want to archive. The tool will provide you with an archived version of the website for that particular date. You can save this archived version for future reference.
  2. Download Website Locally

    Another way to archive a website is by downloading it locally. To do this, you can use a tool such as HTTrack. This tool allows you to download an entire website and save it to your local computer. To download a website using HTTrack, simply enter the URL of the website and hit the download button. The tool will download all the files on the website and save them to your local computer.
  3. Use Browser Extensions

    Some web browsers like Chrome and Firefox have extensions that allow you to save a website for offline viewing. For instance, you can use the Save Page WE extension to save a webpage on Firefox. To use this extension, simply install it on your browser and click on the icon when you want to save a webpage. The tool will save the webpage for offline viewing.
  4. Save the Webpage as PDF

    Another way to archive a website is by saving it as a PDF. You can do this by using the print function on your web browser. To save a webpage as a PDF, simply load the page on your browser, click on the print function, and select the print to PDF option. This will create a PDF file of the webpage, which you can save for future reference.
  5. Use a Webpage Capture Service

    Webpage capture services like WebpageArchive allow you to save webpages online. To use these services, simply enter the URL of the webpage you want to save and hit the capture button. The tool will save the webpage online, and you can access it from anywhere in the world.


Archiving a website is important, especially if the website contains valuable information that you may need in the future. You can archive a website using various tools like website archiving tools, downloading the website locally, using browser extensions, saving the webpage as PDF, or using a webpage capture service. Try out one of these methods and save your favorite websites for future reference.

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